The Russians are coming to Nieuw-West!

Vanavond is het weer de eerste vrijdag van de maand, dus Dinner & Movie night in HW10! Deze keer de beurt aan ons Russisch kunstenaars duo, met authentiek Russisch eten en dito film.

Om 18:00 eten bij De Hofdames, op het menu staat Oekraïense borsh (soep), pelmeni (met vlees gevulde deegbolletjes) en natuurlijk vodka (10 euro voor volwassenen, 5 euro voor de kids)!
Vanaf 20:00 film met live muziek. Graag aanmelden bij

And now in English, for our Russian friends!

We cordially invite you to join us, Lyubov Matyunina and Konstantin Guz, this evening!
We are preparing interesting cinema program which includes:
||||| rare movie Le Nez (1963) of Alexander Alexeïeff with his unique pinscreen technique of animation;
||||| Russian movie “Tische” (2003) which was made out of one window in St. Petersburg;
||||| and as headline of the evening invited musicians will accompany with live performance couple of cartoons from famous Moscow cartoon studio “Pilot”.
Beside that you have a chance to try Ukrainian bortsh and warm up with Russian wodka, as a bite we are offering pelmeni (dumplings).
This menu is going for 10 euro/person! (there will be option for vegetarian)
De Hofdames will make sure you have enough beer, tea and coffee 😉
If the weather will be fine we are planning to burn a doll as symbol of past winter in our garden!




Van HogenbirkBaba Anousch

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